All Flash Fiction

3 Moon Magazine (2021) - “Yesterdays

50GS (2017) - "Fight Scene"

Affinity Literary Journal (2018) - "The House at the Bottom of Spartan Hill"

The Airgonaut (2016) - "Funeral"

And So Yeah (2018) - "Here"

ANGLES (2017) - "Coming Home," "Stay," "At My Brother's Wedding"

Ariel Chart (2018) - "The Diamond Necklace

Barrelhouse (2018) - "Clutching"

The Basil O'Flaherty (2017) - "Best Man" and "Make Believe"

Bear Review (2018) - "Pairent"  (Nominated for Best of the Net)

Birch Gang Review (2016) - "Conversations with Ghosts"

Blacktop Passages (2017) - "Prosthetic"

Bottlecap Press Blog (2017) - "Painkillers"

Cease, Cows (2016) - "Suicide Island"

Cherry Tree (2017) - "Dragon Princess," "Mixed Tag," "Her Story," "The Nobler Pursuit," and "Sleeper" (Nominated for Puschart Prize)

Coffin Bell Journal (2018) - "Sister"

The Commonline Journal (2016) - "Old Bones"

Complete Sentence (2020) - “Cries”

Cowboy Jamboree Magazine (2019) - “Getting Ready” and “Cowboy”

CultureCult Magazine (2017) - "Family Road Trip"

CultureCult Magazine (2018) - "Tournament," “Calling Mom,” “Wrestling Dragon Princess,” “Wrestling a Tigress,” and “The Last Match”

Cypress Knee (2017) - "Lumberjack Match"

The Daily Drunk Magazine (2021) - “Balloon”

Degenerate Literature (2017) - "Float" 

Dream Journal (2020) - “Getting Old,” “Waiting,” and “October 15, 2017”

Drowning Gull (2016) - "The Man on the Stairs"

Every Pigeon (2017) - "Good Time"

Faded Out (2017) - "Eyes to the Skies"

Fictive Dream (2016) - "Shoot"

Five 2 One Magazine (2018) - “Approach #17: Brute Forcce,” “Approach #8: Kinship,” and “Approach #30: Hypnosis”

Fixional (2017) - "The Calm," "Hurricane," and "After the Storm"

Fourth and Sycamore (2015) - "The Boxer"

Gasher Journal (2018) - "Approach #4: The Chair" and "Approach #14: Fish"

The Ginger Collect (2017) - "Easter Eggs"

Ginosko (2017) - "Ocean"

Gravel (2016) - "My Father Was Andre The Giant"

Hobart (2017) - "Tree Man"

Hollow (2019) - "Approach #1: The Whip"

Jellyfish Review (2017) - "The Arrival"

Jotters United (2017) - "Winery," "Impossible," and "Picnic"

Kentucky Review (2015) - "Watching The Dogs"

Linden Avenue Literary Journal (2017) - "Scary Movie" and "Stolen Goods" (2016) - "Injury"

Manawaker Studios' Flash Fiction Podcast (2016) - "Burned," "Respects," and "Trial"

Metonym (2017) - "Texas Death"

Milk Candy Review (2019) - “When She Was Bad”

Miracle Monocle (2018) - "Her Last Match"

Miscreant Magazine (2016) - "In the Dark"

No Extra Words (2016) - "Last Night"

Nurture (2021) - “The Legacy Wrestler” (Nominated for Best Microfiction)

Occulum (2018) - "Detour"

The Olive Press (2017) - "Beyond the Waters" (Nominated for Puschart Prize)

Paper Trains Literary Journal (2019) - “Nicholas”

Passages North (2018) - "Training," "Autopsy," and "Ghost"

Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine (2016) - "Heel"

Powder Out Press (2023) - “Hair”

Prime Number Magazine (2017) - "Interrogation" (Flash Fiction Contest Winner)

Punk Lit Press (2019) - “Three Dreams”

Quail Bell Magazine (2016) - "Vendepunkt"

Queen Mob's Teahouse (2016) - "Wedding Day"

Rabid Oak (2018) - "Eclipse"

The Rain, Party, and Disaster Society (2016) - "Hope" and "Varieties of Pain"

Random Sample Review (2016) - "In-Laws"

Rathalla Review (2019) - “Lessons Learned”

Remixt (2017) - "Moving"

Rigorous (2017) - "One of Them," "Dashboard Light," and "Halloween"

The Runcible Spoon (2018) - "Juggling"

Scarlet Leaf Review (2016) - "Getting Color," "Have It All," and "Reporter"

Shenandoah (2017) - "Rainbow"

Shirley Magazine (2021) - “Thrall,” “Visions,” and “Gift”

Show Your Skin (2017) - "Wet," "Friends of Shared Geography," and "Family Photos"

Sick Lit Magazine (2016) - "Crackers, Guide Us All"

Silver Apples Magazine (2017) - "Pickles"

Sledgehammer Lit (2021) - “Promotion”

Spadina Literary Review (2016) - "Ladder" and "Broadway"

Spectator & Spooks (2016) - "[All-Campus] Zombies vs. Humans"

Spelk (2016) - "Lies"

Spelk (2017) - "Steel Cage"

Spinebend (2017) - "Debut"

Spry Literary Journal (2018) - "Contortions"

Stepping Stones Magazine (2016) - "Commemoration"

Thieving Magpie (2021) - “Neverending”

Thimble Literary Magazine (2020) - “When She Was Good”

Timber (2020) - “Between Genres,” “Waking,” and “Canceled”

TreeHouse Arts (2017) - "Mother"

Trouvaille Review (2020) - “Flame”

Tuck Magazine (2017) - "How It Starts"

Uppagus (2017) - "You Can Never Go"

Varnish (2017) - "Seashells"

The Wire's Dream Magazine (2017) - "Chords"

Your One Phone Call (2017) - "After" and "The Dream"

Zero Flash (2016) - "Lean"