All Short Stories

Akpata Magazine (2024) - “He Still Believes”

Bayou Magazine (2015) - "Practical Men" (Winner, James Knudsen Prize for Fiction)

Bare Hill Review (2024) - “Raise A Little Hell”

Bat City Review (2024) - “Kan Kan Wo”

Better Than Starbucks (2017) - "Bedtime Stories"

Big Muddy (2018) - "Bet Your Life!"

Blue Bob anthology from Cowboy Jamboree Press (2022) - “Less Fragile Than They Look”

Blue River Review (2018) - "Yelling"

Bluestem (2023) - “The Lost Girl”

Bowery Gothic (2021) - “The Damned”

The Broad River Review (2011) - "Dockerty's Daughter"

The Broadkill Review (2021) - “Smoke City”

BULL (2020) - “Worlds Away”

BULL (2024) - “The Way of Fire”

Cabinet of Heed (2018) - "The Slide"

Cahaba Rivera Literary Journal (2015) - "After We Finished Playing"

CaKe: A Journal of Poetry and Art (2011) - "Truth or Dare"

Charge Magazine (2019) - “Next Move”

Close to the Bone (2021) - “When Santa Claus Came To Town”

Confetti (2024) - “Selective Preoccupation”

Dark Wood (2018) - "Godchild is a Difficult Comedy”

Defunkt Magazine (2020) - “Stolen”

DoubleSpeak Magazine (2023) - “Sense of Direction”

Drunk Monkeys (2018) - "Brother" 

East of the Web (2018) "Starlight

Extract(s) (2015) - "Better"

Flapperhouse (2018) - "Forever"

For Page and Screen Magazine (2022) - “After Jack Died”

Front Porch (2016) - "The End of the World"

Gonzo Today (2017) - "Story Girls"

Hamline Lit Link (2017) - "The Invitation"

Heavy Feather Review (2019) - "Dog Days"

Hot Metal Bridge (2019) - “Stone”

The Hunger Journal (2020) - “The Itch”

Icarus Down Review (2016) - "The Straw Man"

Idle Ink (2021) - “Love Is Hard”

Iron Horse Literary Review (2017) - "Prophecy"

The Journal of Speculative Fiction (2020) - “Spare Parts”

Kaani (2018) - "Fallen"

Little Death Lit (2019) - “Intimacy”

The Long Island Literary Journal (2018) - "The Tallest Man in the World"

Longleaf Review (2018) - "Attachments"

Malu Zine (2024) - “Blackberries”

Mania Magazine (2024) - “Matryoshka”

The Mind's Eye (2018) - "Pink Man"

Miniskirt Magazine (2021) - “Understand” (Nominated for Pushcart Prize)

New Ink Review (2018) - "The Fat Lady Sings"

The New Sound (2012) - "Benny Ran Away From Nerding Camp"

Nonbinary Review (2017) - "Take Me Home"

The Normal School (2016) - "Answer Woman"

Pacific Review (2015) - "Chirps"

Parhelion Literary Magazine (2018) - "A Kindness"

Phantom Drift (2019) - “Weather Girl”

The Pinch (2019) - “This Year’s Ghost”

Ponder Review (2019) - “Monitor” (Pushcart Prize Nominee)

Poverty House (2023) - “Fed”

Profane Journal (2016) - "Princess"

Punk Noir Magazine (2021) - “The Emperor”

The Rappahannock Review (2015) - "Waiting for Flight"

Random Sample Review (2021) - “Shooter” (Nominated for Pushcart Prize)

Rock and a Hard Place Magazine (2020) - “Wedlock”

Saints and Sinners anthology (2017) - "Moonshine" (Finalist, Tennessee Williams Literary Festival Sainsts and Sinners Fiction Contest)

Selcouth Station (2018) - "Before and After"

Sequestrum (2018) - "The Seams"

Siren Zine (2013) - "The Rules We Follow"

Spoon Knife 2 anthology (2017) - "Life is So Hard for Arlo"

Stymie Magazine (2011) - "Going Home"

The Taborian (2024) - “Two Roads”

Things You Can Create (2013) - "Clown Faces"

This Dark Matter (2015) - "Ripples"

The Tusk (2017) - "Aliens and Ghosts"

Twist in Time Literary Magazine (2019) - “Out of Sync”

Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal (2018) - "Bearded"

Variety Pack (2020) - “The Moon”

Waccamaw (2017) - "You Might Forget The Sky Was Ever Blue"

Windmill (2017) - "Christmas Eve"

Working Stiff anthology (2015) - "Finishers"