All Poems

Aaduna (2018) - "Fingerprints"

Algebra of Owls (2017) - "Lessons"

Apeiron Review (2016) - "Dinner" and "Mentor"

Apple Valley Review (2016) - "Whiskey Weary" (Nominated for Best of the Net and Best New Poets; Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Very Short Fictions 2017)

Ascent Aspirations Magazine (2016) - "Fight"

Atticus Review (2016) - "The Champ In Twilight" and "The Funk-Jack Scale"

Bang It Outwrite (2016) - "December," "After the Accident," and "Calico"

Bellevue Literary Review (2016) - "The Red Thread"

The Big Windows Review (2017) - "Spread" (Nominated for Puschart Prize)

Bitterzoet Magazine (2017) - "Family Tree"

The Blackstone Review (2016) - "Down To the River"

The Blue Nib (2017) - "There Are Only Two Stories," Children Together," and "Driving Dreams"

BOMBFIRE (2022) - “Nose Blind”

Califragile (2017) - "I Believed in Magic" and "Distance Traveled"

The Chiron Review (2016) - "The Joke"

Coalition for Digital Narratives (2023) - “The Knock,” “Tested,” and “You Can Never Go”

Contemporary Jo (2023) - “Baltimore Summer,” “No Alternative,” and “This Occasion”

Cosmic Double (2022) - “Specter of a Stinger”

Dime Show Review (2016) - "You Might Have Trouble" (Nominated for Pushcart Prize)

Doghouse Press (2020) - “The ‘Roid Rage Wrestler”

Emerge Literary Magazine (2017) - "Glory Days"

Five 2 One Magazine (2016) - "Ford"

The Floorboard Review (2011) - "Faith" (Nominated for Best of the Net)

Former People (2017) - "Size of Water"

Free Lit Magazine (2017) - "You Were," "Train," and "Midnight"

Genuine Gold (2023) - “The Words” and “Bare Knuckle”

GlitterMOB (2019) - “Expecting Magic,” “In Dependence,” and “Growth Spell”

The Good Men Project (2017) - "The Play"

Gyroscope Review (2017) - "Bucket" (Nominated for Puschart Prize)

Halcyon Days (2016) - "Synchronicity"

Hawai'i Pacific Review (2017) - "Imaginings"

Hearth and Coffin (2022) - “Form M-8068: Application for Christmas Miracle”

Heavy Athletics (2017) - "A Piece of the Man"

Heyday Magazine (2017) - "How To Apply the Figure Eight"

Hidden Constellation (2017) - "Power Up Turbo"

Indiana Voice Journal (2017) - "The Greatest" and "Everybody Hates Reggie Miller"

Juke Joint (2018)- "The Tag Team Wrestler"

Kleft Jaw (2017) - "The Wrestler's Husband"

Left Hooks (2017) - "The Real Wrestler"

Levitate (2020) - “Round”

The Literary Nest (2017) - "The Weight" and "Graduation"

Literary Yard (2016) - "The Warrior's Run" and "Rey Mysterio is Never Alone"

Lonesome October (2017) - "Coven" and

Moonchild Magazine (2018) - “What Color is Magic,” “We Never Think to Miss,” and “Witch at the Beach"

Neuro Logical (2022) - “Heartbeat”

Oddball Magazine (2016) - "An Abbreviated History of Gay Men and Men Portrayed as Gay in Professional Wrestling"

On The Rusk (2016) - "Sea Level"

The Open Culture Collective (2022) - “Wish”

The Orchards Poetry Journal (2022) - “Marmalade”

Orson's Review (2018) - "The Herculean Wrestler"

Panoplyzine (2016) - "Playing With Fire"

Philosophical Idiot (2018) - "The Retired Wrestler" and "The Dimpled Wrestler"

Poetry Pacific (2016) - "Winter Night"

Poetry Super Highway (2017) - "The Movie"

Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine (2016) - "Halloween"

Praire Schooner online (2016) - "Sex Tape"

Proem (2019) - “Old Spells” and “I Want to Wear the Hat” (Nominated for Pushcart Prize)

The Rat's Ass Review (2016) - "The Best Things"

The Red Shirt Review from The Daily Drunk Press - “The Rules of Acquisition”

Rhetoric Askew (2017) - "Faith," "Dawn," and "Veruca"

Resurrection Magazine (2022) - “Burn,” “The Sky is Dark,” and “Poses”

Roi Fainéant Press (2022) - “Swell”

Scapegoat Review (2022) - “Heartbeat” and “Weight”

Sooth Swarm Journal (2017) - "Hall of Fame"

South Florida Poetry Journal (2018) - "Fire Bright"

Squawk Back (2016) - "The Long Run"

Stride - "The New York Knicks, 1994"

Twelve Point Collective (2017) - "My Grandmother Teaches Me Impermanence"

TRACK//FOUR (2017) - "History" and "Home Court"

Triggerfish Critical Review (2019) - "The Ethnically Ambiguous Wrestler"

Up The Staircase (2016) - "Heartthrob"

Vagabond City (2019) - “Catch and Release”

Vanilla Sex Magazine (2016) - “Irresistible Immovable,” “Turn,” “Icon,” and “The Word”

Variety Pack (2020) - “The High-Flying Wrestler”

Walking Is Still Honest Press (2016) - "Just One Punch"

Weatherbeaten (2017) - "Triangle" and "Another Shot" 

Word Riot (2016) - "The Falls," "Of Gods and McMahons," "Ring Songs"

Yes, Poetry (2017) - "Sea Monster"

Zingara Poet (2017) - "School Bus" (Nominated for Best of the Net)

Zoomozophone Review (2017) - "Five-Three"