All Essays

Cowboy Jamboree’s Jobbers (2022) - “Doink the Clown Works Birthday Parties”

Dollar Store Mag (2022) - “Guys and Dolls”

From Parts Unknown anthology from The Daily Drunk Press (2022) - “The Bad Guy”

Gimmick Press’s Obsessed Anthology (2020) - “Waiting in Line to Meet Wrestlers” (Nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize)

Gimmick Press's Worthless Treasures (2018) - "Rookie Card" (Nominated for Pushcart Prize)

Handwritten and Co. (2022) - “To Be a Father”

Longridge Review (2017) - "The Bionic Elbow"

Oyez Review (2022) - “Links”

Press Pause Press (2022) - “The KH and Other Things, of Beauty and Otherwise”

Rappahannock Review (2016) - "The Leo Burke Finish"

Thin Air (2017) - "Scared"